Our Great Place to Learn

Our Approach to Teaching and Learning (Taken from Our GP2L Statement) 

 As a Trust we have collectively developed Our Great Place 2 Learn Statement which identifies the key principles for curriculum design. Principals use evidence, research and best practice models to shape their curriculum offer and the way that it is implemented in their academies, this is because they are rooted in their communities and know how to match that offer to pupil need.  

Deep rooted in all learning is quality first teaching interlinked with high quality provision delivered by highly skilled practitioners. Expert leaders guide the teaching of knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding, shaped by the needs of our children.   We believe that investment in high quality professional development is the single most factor in enabling high quality teaching that leads to improved outcomes for all. We also believe that the real value of being a multi-academy trust is to create opportunities for our staff to learn with, from and on behalf of others in truly effective collaboration. 

We prioritise the essential skills of communication, reading, writing and maths to allow access to the wider curriculum. Knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding is carefully combined to ensure sequence and progression in learning. Lessons are planned to ensure memorable learning. Assessment is used to inform the teaching sequence and to ensure all children make progress.



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Alt Lane, Oldham, Lancashire OL8 2EL

Mrs Cooper, Mrs Bulmer or Mrs Bone: Main Contact

0161 260 0622


Part of The Harmony Trust
Alderson Street,

CEO: Antony Hughes